Division and Department

Department of Environmental Health Science and Public Health

Kyoko NOMURA, M.D., M.P.H.,Ph.D

A Greeting from the Professor

The Department of Public Health, in the medical faculty, provide you with the breadth of knowledge, subject-specific expertise, specialized skills, and powerful global network you need to forge the career you want in public health. Whether you are a medical doctor, an established public health professional, or new to the field of public health, we will use a comprehensive approach to numerous health issues by health promotion initiatives.
For those who aspires to study Public Health in Akita Graduate school of Medicine, we Department of Public Health offer a short-term visit, 2-year master degree program ( Master of Medicine) or 4-year doctoral degree program (Doctor of Medicine). But, we appreciate it if each candidate look through the following important note before they will contact us.
Because the Department of Public Health belongs to Medical School in Akita university, a candidate may be suitable if he or she has GPA over 4.5 or holds medical license or equivalent qualifications. For all expected candidates for Mater or Doctoral program, you need to take pre-entrance screening in prior to the entrance exam. Only a person who will pass this screening will be able to proceed with the application process for the degree program. A candidate for the degree program is highly recommended to have excellent Japanese Language proficiency. For more detail, please refer to a contact person in below.


The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Mombukagakusho:MEXT) offers scholarships to foreign students who wish to study at a university or any other academic institution in Japan.
For more information on scholarships, visit the MEXT website

INPEX for Indonesian students



Kyoko Nomura

Assistant Professor:
Songee Jung
Teiichiro Yamazaki
Masahiro Iwakura

Research Areas

We may be able to support you in the following research fields:

  1. Maternal child Health
  2. Clinical Epidemiology
  3. Epidemiology
  4. Non communicable disease, lifestyle related disease, cancer
  5. Medical Education
  6. Women empowerment

We offer lectures on hot topics in Public Health, Epidemiology and Biostatics, Health Promotion, Behavioral science, Community Health, Social Epidemiology, Life-style related Diseases, Mental Health, Aging Societies, and etc. You will enjoy unique educational experiences both in and out of the classroom. You will build skills not just in analytical and quantitative methods, but also in problem solving and the application of public health training in real-world situations. During 2 year master course or 4 year doctoral course, we will support you to write at least one scientific paper by using knowledge and skills of epidemiology and biostatistics and will succeed in publishing to international scientific journals.

Contact Information

Professor: Kyoko NOMURA, M.D., M.P.H.,Ph.D
1-1-1, Hondo, Akita, 010-8543, Japan
Phone: +81-18-884-6087
Fax: +81-18-836-2609
E-mail: knomura@med.akita-u.ac.jp
HP: http://www.med.akita-u.ac.jp/~pbeisei/

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